The FPA ‘25 in 2025’
Financial Wellness Pledge
I believe that financial planning is a profession founded on hope and optimism, and FPA is committed to ensuring that the possibility of a brighter future is readily available to all who need these services but cannot afford or access them.
I support FPA’s pro bono vision to create a world where every individual and family can access the transformative power of financial planning.
In recognition of FPA’s 25th Anniversary in 2025, I pledge to volunteer a minimum of twenty-five (25) hours in 2025 to give back to my community by providing free, no-strings-attached financial planning advice and education to individuals and families who cannot afford it or don’t have access.
FPA members and its nationwide network of chapters and state councils, in partnership with local community organizations, lead the way in helping thousands of Americans struggling to financially achieve their goals and dreams through various community outreach programs.
There are many opportunities to provide pro bono financial planning or financial education including:
- Complete the FPA Pro Bono Financial Planning Training
- Contact my local FPA Chapter to identify any pro bono or education opportunities through my chapter
- Participate in national FPA pro bono opportunities, such as Homes For Our Troops
- Review Pro Bono Opportunities on Foundation for Financial Planning’s ProBonoPlannerMatch.Org.
- Report completed hours